Additional Users

Adjust the size on the fly

For events or other activities where you need a fast way to adjust the size of your user base

Easily grow

Need to grow, but you don’t want to change the BIMS edition you are on, just add users and grow as you need to

Low cost

For less than a sandwich lunch, add the users you need quickly

Flexible and easy option to adjust your users as you need to

Additional Users

Easily and flexibly adjust your BIMS ERP edition to the size you need. Simply add or reduce the number of users you need each month. This allows you to adjust the size of user base dynamically as you need. Do you have a peak end of year season that required you to bring on temporary staff? Do you have event or fair where you’ll setup a pop-up store or booth and need users for a few week?

BIMS gives you the flexibility you need. Easy, flexible, and low cost.

usuarios adicionales

From: $10 USD / month

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